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Exercise Changes with an Injury

Injuries can be a dramatic disappointment to a fitness routine. Whether caused by the actual exercise or for another reason, a serious injury can wreak havoc to a health and movement routine for weeks and even months.

A sprained ankle easily takes a person out for about four weeks. A severely pulled or partially torn hamstring can last up to six months. And broken bones, obviously, can take months to fully heal and work properly again. That doesn’t mean a person entirely stops exercising. Instead, one has to adapt and change your approach. Continue reading Exercise Changes with an Injury

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How to Keep Exercise in Your Back to the Office Routine

Though the COVID-19 pandemic continues to trudge along, we know significantly more about how the virus spreads than we did 18 months ago – and all of this knowledge has helped businesses, schools and other institutions develop new guidelines to facilitate safe in-person gatherings.

And speaking of “in person,” many employers are now adopting a hybrid work schedule for their team members as a means of transitioning them back into the office environment. But this return to the office could have an impact on some new positive habits that many workers adopted during the work-from-home phase of the pandemic. For instance, exercise. Continue reading How to Keep Exercise in Your Back to the Office Routine

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How to Combat Seasonal Depression

Feeling “SAD” now that summer’s over? Seasonal affective disorder isn’t all in your mind. Most people will experience at least minor fatigue and depression as their exposure to direct sunlight dwindles. But for others, SAD can have a truly negative impact on their quality of life. If you’re one of those people, trying even just one or two of these lifestyle changes can have a big impact. Continue reading How to Combat Seasonal Depression

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Exercise and Your Immune System

The immune system can be supported by outside influences like diet, lifestyle and exercise. In fact, the connection between exercise and the immune system has been well-documented. In a recent study conducted post-pandemic, the University of Bath in England concluded that regular exercise boosts the immune system, even when done in isolation. Continue reading Exercise and Your Immune System

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Key Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Eight glasses a day keeps the doctor away.

We’re talking about water – good ol’ H2O. Sixty percent of the human body is comprised of water, so it only makes sense that you’ll have to drink enough of it each day to fuel yourself. In this post, we’ll discuss why it’s so important to stay hydrated – especially when you’re pushing your body to its physical limits. Here’s a closer look at what you need to know: Continue reading Key Benefits of Staying Hydrated

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Mental Benefits of Devoting Time to Working Out

We know that working out can improve our weight management, reduce our health risks, and strengthen our bones and muscles, but we tend to forget the important mental benefits of devoting time to exercise.

“Exercise is not just about aerobic capacity and muscle size. Sure, exercise can improve your physical health, and your physique, trim your waistline, improve your sex life, and even add years to your life. But that’s not what motivates most people to stay active,” says the HelpGuide.Org. Continue reading Mental Benefits of Devoting Time to Working Out

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Why Adults Should Stretch

Stretching can help reduce or even reverse many of the effects of aging. It can help keep you strong, flexible, and healthy. 

As we get older, we tend to start losing mobility, which can affect almost everything that we do. Any steps you can take to help maintain mobility will have a significant effect on your overall quality of life.

Luckily, stretching not only helps maintain mobility, but it also feels good, relieves tension, and doesn’t require a lot of time. Continue reading Why Adults Should Stretch

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The Benefits of Stationary Bikes

In a world that is always on the move, it is good to have stable options to rely on when it comes to your health. This is especially true when it comes to your exercise habits.

Whether you are just looking to get started with a new exercise routine or you are someone who considers exercise a pivotal part of your lifestyle, factors like having convenient access to your workout equipment and working with equipment that you like matter and will make a huge difference in the quality of your workout experience. Continue reading The Benefits of Stationary Bikes